Himachal EcoTourism Society
Website Design and Development 
Design | Development | Social
Eco-tourism Society of Himachal Pradesh is a government body under the Himachal Pradesh Forest Department, Govt of Himachal Pradesh which is dedicated to promoting ecotourism and its related activities in the state
Stand alone booking solution
Himachal EcoTourism Society, Dept of Forest, Govt of HP, operates hundreds of rest houses, many at prime locations and some of which are heritage properties. However most of these properties were under utilised and generated almost no revenue for the dept. Also for commoners / nature lovers,  booking these rest houses was almost out of reach.

When Svaksha was engaged to redesign the old non functional website of HP ECOSOC, we proposed to enable online / offline booking of select prime properties and launch the site in phased manner. The very idea of booking the forest rest houses faced lot of initial resistance within the dept however got necessary support from the visionaries and was successfully launched on 1st Jan 2018.
The process and the results
We were asked to give a new life to the the old rudimentary site and add booking features. That was all the requirements.  

We divided the project into phases and focused on enabling both online and offline accommodation booking in the first phase. A major challenge was to integrate split payment feature which was being implemented for the first time even by the payment gateway vendor. We ended up fixing lot of vendors issues before finally launching the online booking facility . 

Within the first two month the site generated revenue of 2 lakhs for the dept and till date since its launch in Jan 2018, the site has earned mroe than 20 lakhs for the dept.