

What is Social Innovation?

Social innovation (SI) is the process of developing and deploying effective solutions to challenging and often systemic social and environmental issues.

Socially motivated businesses, from online platforms for citizen-driven policymaking to social networks for those living with chronic health conditions, are revolutionising how design and technology can beautifully augment these challenges.

The digital social innovation is transforming lives like never before.

Our Focus Area

Svaksha has aligned its focus to meet the key social challenges of present times and has required experience cum expertise to deliver solutions in these areas.

Disaster Management
Responsible Tourism
Indigenous Arts
Youth & Child

Most businesses these days are looking to increase their footprints and contribution to society. Design and technology have transformed the landscape of businesses around the world but their potential to address social challenges remains largely unrealised.

There lies the next big opportunity!

Svaksha’s team's experience, insights, and passion towards bringing a change, help us transform your vision to solutions which guarantees IMPACT.

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Our extensive portfolio of work done under social innovation

Looks Interesting ?

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Each member of our team holds professional skills and expertise to create a well knit digital product. Hence, all our services are in perfect sync with each other. Check them below.
